This year the Learning First Alliance and Grunwald Associates, released Living and Learning with Mobile Devices, which looks at how parents feel about children's cell phone ownership and use. Some highlights from the research include:
Smartphone ownership
Smartphone ownership
- 8% of K-5 students own a smartphone
- 28% of 6-8 students own a smartphone
- 51% of 9-12 students own a smartphone
Parent's views on learning benefits of smartphones
Overwhelmingly parents viewed smartphones as having many potential learning benefits including the following; promoting curiosity, teaching science, teaching problem solving, teaching math, teaching world languages, fostering creativity and teaching reading.
In schools where cell phones were permitted and used for learning, the parents were more positive about cell phones as learning tools compared to those parents whose kids were in schools that did not allow cell phones on campus.
71% of parents want mobile technology used in learning.
64% of parents believe schools should teach students how to use devices safely (despite the fact that 45% of parents purchase mobile devices for their children prior to the school recommending it).
Yet, 69% of parents see mobile apps and software as more of an entertainment "add" on for learning, rather than tools to achieve and expand learning goals. Like many educators, parents need help understanding how a mobile device can enhance and extend learning goals.
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